Alter Traktor auf einem Feld in England
Graphit und Kohle auf Strathmore toned paper
Graphit und Kohle auf Strathmore toned paper
Aquarell, 32 x 22 cm (Alpenschneehase im Frühjahr oder Herbst)
Aquarell, 48 x 48 cm (Sumatraelefant)
Aquarell, 20 x 60 cm, inspired by a photo of a South African Penguin [listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List] by Cathy Withers-Clarke
Aquarell, 20 x 60 cm (parnassius apollo)
Aquarell, 22 x 32 cm
Aquarell, 22 x 22 cm
Aquarell, 22 x 32 cm
Pastell, 30 x 50, inspired by a Photo of a Gray Wolf by Holly Cannon
Aquarell & Graphit, 45 x 30 cm
Aquarell, 48 x 48 cm, inspired by a Photo of a polar bear by Kriszlina Lencses
Acryl, 60 x 60 cm
Persephone or Shattered World, 2023, Aquarell, 40 x 60 cm (eigenes Referenzfoto eines Proserpine-Felskängurus)
Öl auf Leinwand, 60 x 60 cm Inspired by William Faulkner: „The past is never dead. It’s not even past“.
Aquarell, 30 x 80 cm, inspired by a photo of elephants in Amboseli by Rick Beldegreen
Aquarell, 32 x 22 cm; inspired by a photo of a garden dormouse by Jiri Bohdal
Aquarell, 22 x 32 cm
Aquarell, 22 x 32 cm